The Evolution of the 3D Power Tools Framework: My Journey of Self-Discovery

When I started my doctoral journey, it wasn’t just about earning a terminal degree; it was about diving deep into self-discovery and exploring the complexities of Black female identity. My dissertation laid the groundwork for understanding how societal narratives often silence voices like mine and many others. In the beginning, I focused mostly on the harm of oppressive systems and how to fight against them through the phases of devaluation, disruption, and divestment. However, as I have grown, so has my perspective.

In my previous post, I introduced the 3D Power Tools framework, outlining the core concepts that shaped my understanding of social justice and equity. But this introduction was an invitation for me to reflect on how this framework has evolved from a problem-centric view to one rooted in strengths and possibilities.

From Theory to Practice: Learning to Teach Beyond Academia

Much like bell hooks in Teaching to Transgress, I found myself at the intersection of theory and practice. My doctoral work taught me the value of critical consciousness, yet I felt an urgency to bring this knowledge beyond the confines of academia. I envisioned a world where individuals could not only recognize their struggles but also reclaim their narratives. This desire was echoed in the final reflections of my dissertation:

Can I be real for a moment? This writing process has been grueling, and at times I found myself contemplating the intersectionality of my contestation of hegemony with the hegemony that I have been so engrossed in to complete this work. I mean, how is that for a paradox? Yet, this process has been one of self-discovery and internal willpower.”

This experience of merging the personal and the collective has deeply informed my perspective. As I reflected on my journey, I recognized that my lived experiences navigating predominantly White spaces had equipped me with unique insights. I realized that my work was not just an academic endeavor but a calling to help others (re)discover their authentic selves. This was the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey

During this transformative period, I met with a career coach who gave me the permission I needed to embrace the uncertainty of entrepreneurship. She reassured me that I didn’t have to have it all figured out when I started. Instead, I could allow my process to evolve over time. This wisdom became a guiding principle as I transitioned from theory to practice.

Shawn Ginwright reminds us that, “If we are not careful with our words, our work is confined and prescribed and fails to use our human condition to dream and imagine beyond oppression.” His sentiments resonate with my own journey, encouraging me to shift my focus toward the strengths and capabilities of those whose voices have been silenced. As Ginwright aptly puts it, “We should be mindful and avoid defining the world we want by articulating what we don’t want.”

The Shift in Language and Focus

This revelation prompted a significant shift in my language and framework. I transitioned from focusing on the power of devaluation to embracing the power of discovery. I wanted my work to serve as a beacon for those who had been silenced, highlighting the wisdom and resilience embedded in their experiences. This is where the 3D Power Tools began to take shape:

  1. The Power of Discovery: This power encourages individuals to explore and embrace their narratives, reclaiming the strength that comes from understanding their identities and lived experiences.

  2. The Power of Discernment: Instead of merely disrupting harmful practices, I sought to cultivate discernment—the ability to critically engage with the systems of oppression that exist and to recognize the value in diverse perspectives.

  3. The Power of Determination: This represents a commitment to taking action and advocating for change, grounded in the belief that liberation is a collective journey.

A Commitment to Collective Growth

As I continue to refine my work and evolve the 3D Power Tools framework, I am increasingly inspired by the idea of collective growth. The commitment to understanding individual and communal narratives will play a vital role in me (re)membering the resoluteness I had about my research focus, which emphasized the importance of harnessing strengths while navigating personal and professional challenges.

In a world that often tries to render people like me invisible, we often know what we are fighting against, but as Ginwright asks, “What world are you dreaming about?” Through this framework, I aim to create a vision that inspires individuals to articulate not just their struggles but the futures they envision.

Resilience, in this context, becomes a place of inherent strength. We know that the world can disembody us through trauma, making us feel incomplete. Yet, wholeness is our birthright, and our (re)commitment to honoring the truth of who we are allows us to reclaim that wholeness.

Through the 3D Power Tools framework, I strive to inspire individuals to see themselves as active participants in their narratives. This evolution—from theory to practice—embodies my belief in the inherent dignity of every person and the transformative power of storytelling.

As I stated in my dissertation, “I set out to traverse this newfound space to be a vessel to exchange knowledge with those who do not have access, either due to economic hardships or due to the blindness of their privilege.”

In a world that often tries to silence us, let us celebrate our strength and resilience. Together, we can create spaces that honor our stories and inspire others to reclaim their narratives. The journey is ongoing, and as I continue to share my insights and experiences, I invite you to join me in this collective exploration of discovery, discernment, and determination.


Ginwright, S. (2022). The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reclaiming Hope, and Building the Beloved Community. North Atlantic Books.

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Routledge.

Sessoms, A.M. (2017). The Merging of the Personal and the Collective: Reimagining Black Natural Hair Care Digital Spaces as Sites of Critical Public Pedagogy.


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