Living in 3D Power: A Podcast Journey with My Daughter
For years, people have told me I should start a podcast. It’s a phrase I’ve heard almost as often as, “You should write a book!” And let’s be real—it seems like everyone and their grandma believes their voice deserves a podcast. According to Podcast Index, there are a mind-blowing 4,393,629 podcasts currently indexed. That’s a lot of people with a lot to say! But when you consider the billions of books published throughout history, it’s clear that humanity’s hunger for stories and connection never fades. So why would podcasts be any different?
Here’s the thing: I’ve also realized that my truth and authenticity aren’t for everyone, and that’s perfectly fine. What matters is that my voice resonates with those who see themselves in me, those who are drawn to building a community—whether through my 3D Power Collective or Living in 3D Power Substack—rooted in purpose and connection. That’s the energy I’m bringing to this podcast.
But for the longest time, something held me back. Was it the timing? The uncertainty? Or maybe it was the fact that I didn’t want the show to be about me interviewing subject matter experts (SMEs). Then one day, it hit me: What if I shared this space with a different type of SME? Someone whose perspective could enrich and deepen the conversations we were having? That someone turned out to be my 10-year-old daughter, Emma.
Emma is extraordinary. She’s a quiet soul, but her emotional intelligence and empathy are undeniable. As we say in our family, “She’s been here before.” There’s a timelessness to her way of understanding the world. She listens deeply and sees people in ways that remind me of why I do the work I do as a school psychologist and adult educator. And honestly, Emma often teaches me as much as I teach her.
Together, we’re launching Living in 3D Power, a podcast that explores discovery, discernment, and determination—the three pillars of my framework—with insights from both an adult and a kid’s perspective.
How the Podcast Will Flow
Each episode will follow a thoughtful structure designed to spark reflection, connection, and action. Here’s how it will unfold:
Starting with Curiosity
We’ll kick things off by diving into the questions I posed earlier in the week on social media, questions that guide us through Discovery, Discernment, and Determination. These questions are part of my Curiosity Cards, tools designed to help people reflect and grow.I’ll reflect on why I chose these questions for the week and share how they’ve shaped my own journey.
This week’s adult questions are:
Discovery: What are the stories, beliefs, or narratives that have shaped how I see myself and others?
Discernment: What values, strengths, and needs truly guide my actions, and how can I bring them into alignment with how I show up in the world?
Determination: What courageous actions can I take to transform my community, and how can I stay grounded in who I am while doing so?
Emma’s Segment: Kid’s Perspective
In the next segment, I’ll be joined by Emma for her special part of the show. She will answer the “kid version” of the week’s questions. And trust me, you absolutely can’t miss her special theme song, “It’s Me”. She created it herself, and it’s a masterpiece of pure joy that’s guaranteed to make you smile—and possibly have you laughing out loud!This week, Emma’s questions are:
Discovery: What was the happiest or saddest moment you had this year, and what did it teach you about yourself?
Discernment: What moments this year made you feel really excited or like your best self?
Determination: Who are the people or groups that help you feel good about yourself, and how can you spend more time with them?
Emma’s answers always amaze me because they’re so full of honesty and wonder, but her response to the first question nearly left me speechless, and I’m sure it will bring tears to many of our family’s eyes. Emma’s perspective reminds us of the beauty and wisdom that come from seeing the world through a child’s eyes. She truly is a gift.
Reflection and Application
After Emma’s segment, I’ll share what I learned from her reflections and connect them back to my own experiences. This is where we’ll explore how these same questions can be applied in meaningful ways to your life, too. We’ll wrap up each episode with practical takeaways and an invitation to continue the conversation—whether that’s journaling, discussing with a loved one, or sharing your reflections on social media.
Why This Podcast Matters
This podcast isn’t just about sharing my voice—it’s about creating a transformative space for deep, meaningful dialogue with our youth. It’s a bold rejection of the outdated idea that children should simply "stay in a child's place." Our young people have wisdom, insight, and unique perspectives that the world needs to hear. If we are serious about building authentic connections, living on purpose, and creating a lasting legacy rooted in love and wholeness, then our youth must be at the heart of the conversation. This podcast is about celebrating the richness of intergenerational dialogue—about truly listening, learning, and growing together in ways that challenge and inspire us all.
I hope this podcast inspires you to reflect on your own journey of discovery, discernment, and determination—and maybe even spark new conversations with the young people in your life.
So, whether you’re here to hear about life lessons, laugh with us at the little things, or reflect on the big questions, welcome to Living in 3D Power.
Let’s discover, discern, and determine—together.
Ready to dive into the fun? Subscribe to my Substack, Living in 3D Power, where we’ll not only share video episodes of the podcast but also give you behind-the-scenes moments, exclusive insights, and reflections that you won’t want to miss. You can also listen to the podcast wherever you find your favorite shows. Don’t miss an episode—subscribe now and join us on this transformative journey of discovery, discernment, and determination.
What questions would you like us to explore in future episodes? Drop your ideas below—we’d love to hear from you!